Are you planning to conceive in the next 1 to 3 years? Did you know that each pregnancy removes 3-4 pounds of minerals along with other nutrients from the mother’s body for the creation of that baby? Breastfeeding depletes even more nutrients from the mother.

Indigenous people groups fed both parents special nutrient-dense foods before conception to encourage adequate nutrient stores in future parents. They also spaced children at least 3 years apart so that the mother’s body could be nourished and resupplied between pregnancies. This spacing not only preserves the mother’s health to minimize chances of fatigue and other symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum, but also ensures that enough nutrients are available so that a healthy baby can be formed in utero. Having sufficient maternal nutrients even affects the child’s bone structure, especially the facial structure. Read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price to see photographic evidence of facial structure differences between those receiving nutrient-dense diets and those receiving standard and processed diets.

During the pregnancy preparation consultation, we spend an hour looking at your HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) results to determine mineral stress patterns to see where support is most needed. We also discuss nutrient-dense ancestral foods and whole food supplements that are beneficial to prepare your body for conception and pregnancy. If appropriate, we will consider the possibility of using cell salt facial analysis as another tool to guide us in supporting your body for this very important time of carrying and nourishing your developing baby.

I didn’t have this ancestral wisdom when I was pregnant in 2003 and desperately wish it would have been shared with me. Both my grandmothers ate an ancestral diet when they were pregnant with my parents who were each born at home in 1928. Both my mom and dad had beautiful straight teeth and wide palates, never needing orthodontic work.

The fee for this one hour consultation is $175. The fee for the HTMA is $68 (check) or $71 (cc) and paid directly to Trace Elements Lab when the hair sample is mailed. I do not “sell” HTMA kits so you pay the same practitioner price that I receive directly from TEI. This consultation includes 1 month of brief email support. All consultations are done via Zoom.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on