Dr. Schuessler (1828-1898), a 19th century German physician, discovered that when the human cell is reduced to ashes, it exhibits 12 minerals. He developed cell salts, tissue salts, or biochemical salts to assist the body with its intracellular biochemical reactions. Dr. Schuessler believed that health issues could be caused by an imbalance in the body’s twelve essential cell salts.

The minerals salts are present in food, or should be, when grown organically in mineral-rich soils. Cell salts are necessary when cells are lacking in certain nutrients, creating a cellular imbalance. Dr Schuessler believed that these imbalances could be corrected by easily absorbed, homeopathically prepared, micro-doses of each salt.

When you take a cell salt remedy, you are supplying a micro-nutrient that enables your body to rebuild itself on a cellular level. The smaller the active ingredient, the easier it is for it to enter the cells and the more powerful effect it has on cellular function. These cell salts are delivered in sublingual form, bypassing the digestive system. Only the best grade of minerals is used from natural sources when creating cell salt remedies.

It was found that when there was a deficiency present in the body of one of the twelve main mineral salts, this led to weakened cell structure, ill health, and lowered immunity. When mineral salt deficiency is corrected, the cell again functions normally and health is strengthened.

With time it was also discovered that when the body reached a certain deficiency level of any particular mineral salt, visible signs would appear on the face and neck. The more signs present, the more severe the deficiency of that particular mineral salt. As the body’s mineral salt reservoirs are again replenished by taking cell salts for several months, these facial signs will slowly disappear. Using cell salt facial analysis can alert you to deficiencies in cell salts that are essential for healthy connective tissue, strong bones, liver support, fluid balance, acid balance, skin health, thyroid health, nervous system health, avoiding spasms/cramps, maintaining calm, immune support, energy recovery, and more.

“In biochemistry, then, a symptom is merely indicative of a deficiency of one or more of the cell salts which compose the tissues involved. Supply this factor, be it lime, iron, magnesia, sodium, or potassium, and equality and harmony – health – be established.” ~ Dr. Schuessler’s Biochemistry

This resonated with me and I took training in cell salts and cell salts facial analysis. I offer this as a complementary tool to assist clients who are on the RCP as I do with biomagnetism sessions. Cell salt facial analysis can also benefit those who are not on the RCP. Each cell salt facial analysis session lasts 60-minutes and the fee is $150. All sessions are done via Zoom video conferencing.

If you have ever gone through a time of prolonged or severe stress and noticed that lines, swellings, and discolorations suddenly appeared on your face or neck, consider a cell salt facial analysis. This can enable you to determine what mineral salts were depleted and we can then replenish these mineral reservoirs in your body.

Please email mountainthrive@yahoo.com to inquire about booking a session or for more information about cells salt facial analysis.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com