• Our bodies need nutrients to function optimally

    Our bodies need vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to make enzymes. These four substances are needed to make hormones, neurotransmitters, antioxidants, and many other metabolites. Stress (emotional, physical, environmental, and metabolic) depletes our minerals. When minerals become insufficient, enzymes stop working optimally and symptoms appear.

    The RCP (Root Cause Protocol) is designed to

    1. increase bioavailable copper in order to…
    2. decrease excess unbound iron which is stored in the tissues and…
    3. decrease the magnesium burn rate in order to…
    4. repair cellular mineral imbalance – the root cause of virtually all health challenges.

    Learn more about the RCP by watching the following interview with Dr. Mercola and Morley Robbins. https://www.bitchute.com/video/eNYSzLSGEduu/

    For a deeper dive into the RCP, listen to Morley’s recent 3 part podcast from Energy Blueprint. https://theenergyblueprint.com/copper-morley-robbins/ & https://theenergyblueprint.com/iron-supplementation-morley-robbins/ & https://theenergyblueprint.com/morley-robbins-part-3/

    While restoring minerals and supplying other nutrients through the RCP and ancestral diet will be beneficial for clients, those who have been diagnosed with autoimmune disorders generally see massive improvements with this protocol. This is because excess unbound iron is a key contributor for those with autoimmune issues.

What will I do for you?

Many clients have been disappointed, had their thoughts/input ignored for years, and feel that they have been failed by conventional and alternative practitioners. I listen to my clients, consider both their stress and health history, and value what the body is communicating to us. There is always valuable information in what a client tells me. I have had clients thank me after their initial consultation for actually “hearing” them and not dismissing what they have shared with me. When clients work with me we allow the body to guide us in the steps we take towards balance.

Fatigue is the most common complaint for patients when they go to see their practitioner. Many use sugar and caffeine to give them energy to get through their day, borrowing from tomorrow to get through today. Acute or prolonged stress, as well as sugar and alcohol consumption, cause our minerals and other nutrients to be depleted. This leads to enzyme dysfunction and the start of symptoms. Taking medications to get rid of your symptoms can further deplete minerals leading to more symptoms. All pharmaceuticals are chemicals and increase our toxic load. Masking symptoms with pharmaceuticals is not the goal of someone seeking health. I see health as a state of adaptability without negative consequences, while overflowing with vitality.

If you want to be well, the solution rarely comes in a bottle. I guide clients in how to make changes in lifestyle, diet, breathing, movement, sleep, toxin avoidance, and other simple adjustments that will slowly focus the direction of your journey from imbalance to balance, dysfunction to function. Physical movement and increasing physical strength are necessary to have a strong constitution, to thrive, and to have resilience, especially as we age. For some this may mean starting by standing up from a chair a few times per day to build a tiny bit of strength and resilience. I find what is doable and optimal for each individual for where they are at that moment, because our health is always in a dynamic state, constantly changing as we heal.

The truth is that getting out of chronic disease requires an active participant. This will not happen for passive individuals who only want to take pills and are unwilling to make lifestyle changes. Chronic illness is chronic inflammation, or what your body does to protect itself, but can’t stop.

What is this health that we are seeking? Health means living your life with abundant energy, strength, and increasing resilience. It is walking in joy, gratitude, contentment, and calm. Health is experiencing effortless, deep, and restorative sleep. It is living in the absence of symptoms and having moments that make your heart sing. You don’t get to this overnight, it takes commitment and perserverance. I want to help you get there.

I assist clients in restoring minerals, balancing minerals, becoming more resilient to various forms of stress, and more. This improves energy, restores calm, maximizes sleep quality, improves digestion, and helps elimination. Nutrients, especially minerals, are key to keeping multiple body systems like immune, hormonal, neurological, etc. in balance.

We discuss multiple techniques to release stored stress, tension and trauma, some of which are at no cost to clients. Stored hurt, anxiety, and trauma can block multiple pathways in the body which can slow, or even impair, the healing process. I help my clients to see that there is distress on a cellular level.

I use my training and experience in conventional medicine, my years using ancestral diet and natural remedies, along with my training as a RCP consultant, biomagnetism therapist, and cell salt facial analyst, to guide you on your path towards balance and thriving. We focus on health rather than disease, so we always look at strengthening the host as opposed to attacking the guest (pathogen).

Whenever possible, we supply nutritional building blocks naturally through fresh organic food, rather than synthetic nutrients that lack the necessary cofactors and enzymes present in whole food to aid in digestion, assimilation, and activation in the body.

Do you ever have FOMO (fear of missing out) when considering that vast array of natural supplements and health improving techniques that are available to us these days? Some of my clients come to me with the mentality of “throw everything and the kitchen sink” at my health issues. Unfortunately, not only is this expensive and time consuming, it can actually impair healing. Simplicity has always resonated with me in all areas of life. I focus on the minimum number of foods, food based supplements, and healing/releasing techniques that honor nature and the body to release toxins, stress, and trauma so that healing pathways are opened. I consider what will best work for each client as and individual. Did you know that the body will actually build fat stores to protect us from environmental toxins, heavy metals, and emotional trauma?

When you begin your healing journey using ancestral diet and mineral balancing, there will be bumps, twists, and turns. I come alongside you as a guide, to help you see that your body is not broken, just out of balance. You CAN thrive again. I teach you to trust the process and to decipher what your body is trying to communicate. “If you don’t listen to the whispers of your body, then you will have to listen to the screams.” I teach you to listen to the whispers of your body so that you can learn the language that your body speaks. Your body is always communicating and it is your job to listen.

What about detoxification?

As the minerals and other nutrients become sufficient in your body, the liver is able to process toxins gently without depleting nutrients or causing harm. Detoxification protocols and chelation agents deplete the very minerals we are trying to make more replete. When the body is given the necessary nutrients (especially minerals), excess unbound iron is released from tissue storage, and blood donations/binders are used to dump iron from the body, toxins will begin to be released. Bioavailable copper is necessary for mercury to be metabolized. Other minerals are required to metabolize other heavy metals. Once more balance is established and you have implemented a good amount of the RCP, we discuss liver support, addressing toxin burden with a specific mineral approach fitting your individual constitution, opening lymphatics, and addressing parasite burden during follow-up consultations.

My clients

I regularly work with clients who struggle with fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, inflammation, anger, digestive issues, sleep issues, histamine intolerance, neurological issues, cardiac/blood pressure imbalance, adrenal weakness, thyroid issues, chronic infections, autoimmune conditions, allergies, brain fog, skin issues, unwanted weight gain and more.

Many of my clients are women who saw their health decline and symptoms begin after having children, whether months or decades in the past. I do work with men who want to stop the health decline they are experiencing before more symptoms begin. There is a connection between building excess unbound iron and free testosterone. WIth my experience as a pediatric nurse, I also work with children. The three words my clients most often use to describe our consultations are thorough, informative, and hopeful.

Please see my page with RCP testimonials to learn how I have helped clients.

Photo by Albert White on Pexels.com